Por votación en Granada, se cambió el nombre por "Filosofía Joven", resultando a llamarse XLVI Congreso de Filosofía Joven en Tenerife.
Título (provisional): El cine y su relación con el inconsciente. Desdoblamiento e imbricación del yo y lo imaginario.
Resumen de la propuesta: Es ya una realidad. El estadio más escópico (visual) del ser humano es, sin duda, el s. XXI. La imagen, que en el desarrollo cinematográfico encuentra un nuevo método narrativo y de expresión nunca experimentado, desafía a los filósofos. ¿Es la cinematografía una alucinación reificada, como un hecho más? ¿Qué relación puede haber con los sueños? ¿Acaso se realiza un sueño en celuloide? ¿Cuál es la lógica del siempre eterno desorden que impregna la cinematografía... kínesis... movimiento...? ¿Tiene un lenguaje inalcanzable como el del inconsciente? ¿No es la imagen materializada como espectro en los fotogramas que toman formas vivas y fantasmales?
La imaginación, que es la base de la cinematografía, parte de ese impulso destructor que crea y a su vez destruye, como si los propios directores de las obras cinematográficas quisieran recrear y adorar aquello a lo que crearon y que ahora quieren convertirse en espectadores, mientras el espectador (obsceno, desde su posición privilegiada que se encuentra lejos del escenario) se ve “perseguido” por un deseo dado por el halo de misterio que lo envuelve, de una fantasía inconsciente que se solapa con la inconsciencia voyerista del espectador.
¿Es el cine, pues, un intento de eliminar tiempo y espacio y mostrarse como esta metonimia de la especie humana frente a lo desconocido? El título de nuestra comunicación, en homenaje a una de las obras más polémicas de Freud, encierra uno de los grandes enigmas del ser humano: el yo divido que busca desesperadamente su reencuentro.
A partir del análisis de algunas obras literarias, como Cortázar y “Las babas del diablo” y el ejemplo cinematográfico más contundente para el tema a tratar, “Inland Empire” de David Lynch, entraremos en un espectacular recorrido por los subterfugios del yo y de su imaginario, en una fantasía onírica del ser incompleto.
Title (provisional): The film and its relationship to the unconscious. Splitting and overlapping of the ego and the imaginary.
Abstract: It is now a reality. The most scopic (visual) of the human being is undoubtedly the XXI century. The image, which in the film is a new method of expression and narrative never experienced challenges to philosophers. Is the film a hallucination reified as an event? What relationship can be with dreams? Will is a celluloid dream in? What is the logic of the ever eternal chaos that pervades the film ... Kinesis ... ... movement? Do you have a language of the unconscious as the unattainable? Is not materialized as the image spectrum in the photograms taken and ghostly life forms?
The imagination, which is the basis of the film, some of this destructive impulse that creates and destroys itself, as if the directors' own films and wanted to recreate what they love created and that now want to become spectators, while the spectator (obscene, from a position that is far from the scene) is "haunted" by a desire given by the mystique that surrounds it, an unconscious fantasy which overlaps with the viewer's unconscious Voyeurism.
Is the film as an attempt to eliminate time and space and show how this metonymy of the human face of the unknown? The title of our communication, in tribute to one of the most controversial works of Freud, holds one of the great enigmas of the human being: the split that I desperately seeking their reunion.
From the analysis of some literary works, such as Cortázar and "Las babas del diablo" and the more convincing film example for the issue to be addressed, "Inland Empire" by David Lynch, will enter a spectacular journey through the subterfuge of self and his imagination, a dream fantasy of being incomplete.
Abstract: It is now a reality. The most scopic (visual) of the human being is undoubtedly the XXI century. The image, which in the film is a new method of expression and narrative never experienced challenges to philosophers. Is the film a hallucination reified as an event? What relationship can be with dreams? Will is a celluloid dream in? What is the logic of the ever eternal chaos that pervades the film ... Kinesis ... ... movement? Do you have a language of the unconscious as the unattainable? Is not materialized as the image spectrum in the photograms taken and ghostly life forms?
The imagination, which is the basis of the film, some of this destructive impulse that creates and destroys itself, as if the directors' own films and wanted to recreate what they love created and that now want to become spectators, while the spectator (obscene, from a position that is far from the scene) is "haunted" by a desire given by the mystique that surrounds it, an unconscious fantasy which overlaps with the viewer's unconscious Voyeurism.
Is the film as an attempt to eliminate time and space and show how this metonymy of the human face of the unknown? The title of our communication, in tribute to one of the most controversial works of Freud, holds one of the great enigmas of the human being: the split that I desperately seeking their reunion.
From the analysis of some literary works, such as Cortázar and "Las babas del diablo" and the more convincing film example for the issue to be addressed, "Inland Empire" by David Lynch, will enter a spectacular journey through the subterfuge of self and his imagination, a dream fantasy of being incomplete.
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